Unlocking Pharma's Digital Frontier

Episode 22

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[00:00:10] Stefan Repin: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, today is me again, Stefan from Platforce. And we are well, I'm presenting Adam here and we are still at the podcast. Sales and pharma tech podcast. And I have Adam Rosenberg here who is also in the same position as I am at Platforce.

[00:00:25] Stefan Repin: He's doing marketing at RX Pharma. I'll let Adam introduce himself, actually. Adam, tell me how awesome you are.[00:01:00]

[00:01:18] Stefan Repin: Awesome. I'm really excited to have you as well. So my question would be like, can you talk a bit more about, like, I was super excited to hear like your introduction, but I want you to. Give us more detail about like, what's the digital experience like? It sounds very interesting, like[00:02:00] [00:03:00]

[00:03:31] Stefan Repin: awesome. And for, for all listeners before before we started the podcast, we're talking about Mark Cuban's I know startup or company that they're basically speeding the time. They're helping with the speed time, speed time tool therapy, and they give a lot of transparency to the cost of drugs.

[00:03:49] Stefan Repin: And, and also Adam here has been working in a company before that's working on the transparency of pricing, which I think is super interesting because As Adam [00:04:00] mentioned here, like you don't know how much your, your medicine will cost is 5, 500 bucks. And that's a big difference for a lot of people.

[00:04:08] Stefan Repin: Yeah. What's your insight on this? Let's let's discuss this.[00:05:00] [00:06:00]

[00:06:49] Stefan Repin: Yeah, I think that's. Super important. Of course, like transparency and pricing, I think it's super important, specifically in the U S where all the medicine is paid. You have people on [00:07:00] Obamacare and you have people who pay like, you know, tons of money for, you know, for their families to have them some kind of insurance.

[00:07:08] Stefan Repin: So I think it's, it's a good, it's a good deal. Now let's get back to to marketing. Actually, I was thinking about since you're in marketing and I am as well, I was wondering. Do you have any specific, like maybe examples of how your marketing, maybe sales strategy helped you like with get some really good results in, in the work you've done for this company or previous company?[00:08:00] [00:09:00] [00:10:00]

[00:10:13] Stefan Repin: Yeah, I agree for us. It's interesting, but in pharma events, the exhibition is conference conferences are play actually key role in engaging with people. It was I was so surprised seeing that, you know, they're not. Pharma is not that digital as we thought initially, you know. People are very, there is very much this like touch, you know, human touch.

[00:10:37] Stefan Repin: People want to see people because I know people are more conservative in pharmaware because there is, there is a risk of spilling out information. I know it's just like, so we, for example, Platforce, whenever we go on tour, like right now we're on a tour in Latam, we when we go to a conference, we sort of like try to target the influencers there at the conference sort of like, [00:11:00] even if they're not our ICP, we don't try to sell them, but we try to at least engage them and invite them for, for a podcast, you know, like, because that's influence that you can, that you can show to other people, you know, and that's, that's my go to tool.

[00:11:12] Stefan Repin: I cannot, I don't sell per se because we're marketing, but where I can sell, I can, I can influence people. That's what we do. And we always. Try to align meetings, a lot of like, we try to, in the city we go to, we try to find pharma companies that we could potentially partner or sell to. And then we sort of like, combine the pleasure of going to a conference with business meetings in the city.

[00:11:34] Stefan Repin: So yeah, I, I agree. So listen,[00:12:00]

[00:12:35] Stefan Repin: well,[00:13:00]

[00:13:12] Stefan Repin: I, I completely agree with you. Have you watched the movie? There is a series about Oxycontin. It's called painkiller. It's where it's about Oxycontin and Purdue Pharma. Yeah. So, so how they, how they promote their doctors is like, they basically got their doctors to speak for, for Oxycontin. How great, how great there is.

[00:13:32] Stefan Repin: So I'm, I'm seeing a lot of, a lot of that in pharma as well. Like basically you elevate, you cannot you cannot endure, you cannot like give gifts and stuff like that, but you can endorse people and, you know, speak for, for the benefit that your product or service brought them. Right. Hopefully you're not selling Oxycontin.

[00:13:52] Stefan Repin: Yeah,[00:14:00]

[00:14:33] Stefan Repin: definitely. Definitely. So we here with Adam, we're discussing actually demand generation and how you can connect the world of demand generation with like omni channel, multi channel. So what's your input on that actually, Adam?[00:15:00] [00:16:00]

[00:16:36] Stefan Repin: Yeah, I agree. I think the main generation is why, so basically with the main generation marketing is focusing not on brand or just like awareness or some like buzzy, buzzy, like some marketing buzzwords, which for most people to your, at least your chief BS.[00:17:00]

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Unlocking Pharma's Digital Frontier
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